Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanks For All Your Support!

The Pongo Lovers would like to thank all those that had taken part in this conservation program. Thanks to all of your undying support, we finally emerged as champion. We would like to especially convey our heartfelt thanks to Dr Saba and the staff of the Orangutan Island Foundation, Celcom, Datuk Dr Logendran, our principal Mr Mohd bin Md Isa, Mr Ng Chin Chai, all the students of SMK King George V and to all who have help directly or indirectly. Lastly but not least to all of you who have voted for us - A BIG THANK YOU. We hope everyone will continue to conserve the orangutan.
Thank You

Monday, October 11, 2010

Orangutan Corner in the Library

Just in case you missed the exhibition, you can have a look at the documents we exhibited on that day in the library. We have set up a corner in the library. Besides that, we also display the collection of poem and essay. You can go and take a look at them.
A corner in the library dedicated to the conservation of orangutan

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Many Faces of Orangutan

The Many Faces of Orangutans - Slideshow
These faces of orangutan are taken at Orangutan Island, Bukit Merah Laketown

New Hope for Orangutans

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our campaign. Together we have given new hope to orangutans. We managed to adopt 3 orangutans in Bukit Merah Laketown. Besides that, we have also collected RM934 which will be channelled to WWF-Malaysia. 872 people signed up the pledge in support to the conservation of orangutans.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Prize Giving Ceremony

Our Senior Principal, Tn Hj Mohd bin Md Isa gave out the prizes to all the winners of essay, poem, rap competition, kolam competition, poster drawing, quiz and lucky draw for watch and donate during the school assembly on 4 October 2010 to mark the closing of our campaign.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pongo Smkkgv @ Facebook!

Come one come all! There is now a facebook account for the Pongo Lovers. Please visit it and become a friend. Thanks.