Events - 24 September

Events on the 24th September, Friday

Orangutan Rapping Contest
The Form 1 students had a rapping contest in the Form 1ABK class. A total of seven teams took part in the contest. The Rappers, consisiting of Ian Kennedy, Virshruthi, Shobana, Daniel, Prem Sai, Jeganesh and Rizwani bagged the first prize.

Here is the rap written by Nicole Yoong
Orangutan are the best,
Comical, cute than all the rest.
We humans' Distant cousins,
We are just one big familly.
Pongo is their scientific name.
That's why we're the Pongo Lovers.
To save this fuzzy friend,
Everyone has to lend a hand,
So they will survive in this harsh land.
Know them.
Love them.
Save them.
The orangutan, our furry friend.

The Winning Rap team

Kolam Competition
Six teams of Form 4 students took part in the kolam competition held on the same day. They did their sketches in the canteen and made the kolam in the walkway to the library to the canteen. They came up with many bright ideas and made beautiful kolams. First prize goes to Group 4 : Kishen, Jia Wai, Stephanie, Yuvitha, Kanagendra and Cheah En Ying. Second place is Group 5 : Puventhiran, Tee Wei Li, Liaw LiYaen, Yogesswaran and Rishniya. Third placing goes to Group 6 : Varman, Suresh, Tasya, Koh Han Teng, Chai Ming Jye and Sam.

Poster Drawing Competition
A poster drawing competition was held in class 2 ISK for the Form 2 students. 35 students took part in it with open hearts and produced some nice posters. The winners are : 1st - Emily Leow Yi               2nd - Rachel Khoo Hui Wen              3rd - Ragunan Sandran